Urgent Care

In order to offer the best medical and hospital care in urgent and emergency situations, HSC Blumenau has been seeking important differentials. Because of this, in our Urgent Care Center, you will find coziness, cutting-edge technology, and strategies for time optimization that significantly streamline the care process.

Despite using state-of-the-art technology, HSC Blumenau knows that no treatment is complete without humanization. Therefore, for you to feel well, our professionals combine affection and dedication with technical knowledge, that eventually makes all the difference in your recovery. Thus, when you need medical care, you will know who to count on.

Speed and quality

Following the trend of several benchmark hospitals around the world, your needs will be addressed promptly at our Urgent Care Center. Through the triage process, the Urgent Care team assigns priority of care and avoids the typical waiting lines. All this is done with the purpose of delivering appropriate care as soon as possible, always experiencing the comfort and the quality you deserve.

When you need Urgent Care assistance, you can be assigned a triage level of:

Priority I – Immediate care.

Priority II – Urgency – fast medical care.

Priority III –Lower Urgency – medical care within 30 minutes.

Priority IV – Nonurgent – elective care, without priority.

During the triage, a trained professional determines the priority of care, based on international classification criteria and by doing that, the care process is streamlined.


If you need our Urgent Care services, we have a qualified nursing staff and skilled physicians to care for you in any situation. Besides a GP and a cardiologist (available 24/7),other specialized physicians and surgeons, who are members of our Medical Staff, are called upon to provide the necessary care.

Adult Care

Urgent Care at HSC Blumenau does not offer pediatric services. Our professionals specialize in the treatment of patients who are over 15 years old.

The right infrastructure to meet your needs

  • Comfortable reception;

  • 18 observation beds: 7 with continuous monitoring structure, and 11 regular beds for medical care;

  • 1 triage room;

  • 1 emergency room;

  • 1 invasive procedure room;

  • Nursing staff and medical professionals prepared to act in emergency and urgency;

  • State-of-the-art equipment.

Our services